http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=18150&id=1098642523805321. Selecting up to 08/15/2010 24:00
- Become a fan of
Knitter Bag - LUCKY SHEEP fasebook page.
- Invite your friends to become fans (then they can vote for you).
- Photos please send by e-mail address jurgita_jb@yahoo.com. Please write comment for your photo and write your name.
- ONE PERSON CAN SEND ONE KNITTED THING - it can be one photo or one page with some photos, but just one thing.
- Adds requirements - by sending a photo you are confirming that the resulting model/ photographer 's edition and publish the photograph, photographs can not be pornographic or otherwise contrary to the laws.
- Photos will be posted on this page contest folder.
2. Vote up 09/15/2010 24:00:
- Invite your friends to vote (if you want to vote, you need to be a page fan).
- Click on the "like" - This is your voice. Also you can comment the photo.
- Winner will be the photo with the most number of votes "like". Voting can begin as soon as the photo is loaded.
3. The winner will be published on 09.11.2010.
4. PRIZE 1. Set of knitter project bags - Large and Mini bag. The winner can chose from http://www.KnitterBag.etsy.com
5. PRIZE 2. There will also be awarded with one photo chosen by random. It will be Large knitter project bag or Mini knitter bag. Also The winner can chose from http://www.KnitterBag.etsy.com
6. The organizers reserve the right to modify or add conditions.
If you have any questions - I look forward to your email address jurgita_jb@yahoo.com
IF you like the knitter project bag - visit