When I knew about Etsy - my daughter was 1 year old and I had vacations until she would be 2 years. My main job is IT technologies and I was project manager before leaving for long holidays.
In the beginning it was like a game - I love to knit and start my first shop with knitting, but after I found out I have sewing machine and have a lot of free time and try to sew. It was interesting to do it, but I wanted to create something people would love and would use for everyday with love. Then I remembered my knitting and yarn everywhere ;) I sew some bags for projects - they started to be popular and then new designs and new colors just came one after one. After I needed to came back to my main job - IT, programming, projects, so on and so on... And it wasn't question what would be with my Etsy shop - It must be! It is part of me :) In my almost 3 year practice in Etsy - I have very good time and creative thoughts there. Come back again to my shop - I will have new fantastic bags and organizer for your projects :)
Have a good time! And time to knit ;)
You can find me in ETSY www.Knitterbag.etsy.com
Visit my Blog knitterbag Blog
Visit KnitterBag's Ravelry group Knitter Bag
Be my folower in twitter @KnitterBag
Write me e-mail jurgita_jb@yahoo.com