2012 m. lapkričio 11 d., sekmadienis

Waiting for Christmas? Waiting for Christmas...

Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Ho

My room is fool of Christmas preparations - new fabric came. Maybe I need Christmas songs ;)
If you like the fabric and would like any of my Knitter Project Bag or any Needle Case - please write me e-mail jurgita_jb@yahoo.com

These it comes Christmas fabric:

Some Christmas style Bags are already READY TO SHIP.

Links to Christmas items in my shop:

Have a good time! And time to knit ;) 

You can find me in ETSY www.Knitterbag.etsy.com 
Visit my Blog knitterbag Blog 
Visit KnitterBag's Ravelry group Knitter Bag 
Be my folower in twitter @KnitterBag 
Write me e-mail jurgita_jb@yahoo.com

2012 m. spalio 31 d., trečiadienis

Happy halloween knitting ;)

I hope today you will have time to knit ;)
This is some ideas....

Etsy seller Natalya

Etsy seller NikkiDotti

Etsy seller RAKJpatterns

Have a good time! And time to knit ;) 

You can find me in ETSY www.Knitterbag.etsy.com 
Visit my Blog knitterbag Blog 
Visit KnitterBag's Ravelry group Knitter Bag 
Be my folower in twitter @KnitterBag 
Write me e-mail jurgita_jb@yahoo.com

2012 m. spalio 28 d., sekmadienis

New Design Project bags in my Etsy shop

New picture for the Knitter Bag. Funny chickens make your hobby bag attractive and alive. Take a rest ith your project after long day at job and after your routine.
Visit my shop www.KnitterBag.etsy.com and get the new project bag. Mini, Large and XL are available for project bags to this picture - find the best size for yourself.  P.S. if you would like the same pictures on needle case - please chose the needle case size (all sizes you can find there: http://www.etsy.com/shop/KnitterBag?section_id=7171488) and write me the note to e-mail jurgita_jb@yahoo.com or to Etsy conversation.

More new designs you can find there http://www.etsy.com/shop/KnitterBag?section_id=7546845

Have a good time! And time to knit ;) 

You can find me in ETSY www.Knitterbag.etsy.com 
Visit my Blog knitterbag Blog 
Visit KnitterBag's Ravelry group Knitter Bag 
Be my folower in twitter @KnitterBag 
Write me e-mail jurgita_jb@yahoo.com

2012 m. spalio 26 d., penktadienis

New Design Project bags in my Etsy shop

New picture for the Knitter Bag. Everybody loves dogs - they are funny and makes you smile.
Visit my shop www.KnitterBag.etsy.com and get the new project bag.

More new designs you can find there http://www.etsy.com/shop/KnitterBag?section_id=7546845

Have a good time! And time to knit ;) 

You can find me in ETSY www.Knitterbag.etsy.com 
Visit my Blog knitterbag Blog 
Visit KnitterBag's Ravelry group Knitter Bag 
Be my folower in twitter @KnitterBag 
Write me e-mail jurgita_jb@yahoo.com

2012 m. birželio 12 d., antradienis

How was born KnitterBag

I am happy to tell you how was born KnitterBag.

When I knew about Etsy - my daughter was 1 year old and I had vacations until she would be 2 years. My main job is IT technologies and I was project manager before leaving for long holidays.

In the beginning it was like a game - I love to knit and start my first shop with knitting, but after I found out I have sewing machine and have a lot of free time and try to sew. It was interesting to do it, but I wanted to create something people would love and would use for everyday with love. Then I remembered my knitting and yarn everywhere ;) I sew some bags for projects - they started to be popular and then new designs and new colors just came one after one. After I needed to came back to my main job - IT, programming, projects, so on and so on... And it wasn't question what would be with my Etsy shop - It must be! It is part of me :) In my almost 3 year practice in Etsy - I have very good time and creative thoughts there. Come back again to my shop - I will have new fantastic bags and organizer for your projects :)

Have a good time! And time to knit ;) 

You can find me in ETSY www.Knitterbag.etsy.com 
Visit my Blog knitterbag Blog 
Visit KnitterBag's Ravelry group Knitter Bag 
Be my folower in twitter @KnitterBag 
Write me e-mail jurgita_jb@yahoo.com